Walk Your Talk
A week-long intensive “train the trainer” workshop
23 - 29 april 2021
with Liv Larsson & Kay Rung​​
Nonviolent Communication is so much more than a theory to be mastered. It is something to be lived and used, rather than to only be talked about.
General info
Nonviolent Communication is so much more than a theory to be mastered. It is something to be lived and used, rather than to only be talked about. NVC contain some very practical principles and tools that can be used in all communication between humans. These tools can be practiced and honed but they are not the goal. Connection is the goal. Most of the parameters in an interaction can only be guessed at beforehand. Every moment of connection has parts that are unique and that is what makes it challenging but also fun and alive. One part of walking your talk when it comes to NVC is to shift from performing to relating. Another thing is to focus on connection before focusing on correction.
Sharing NVC is learning to “dance this dance”.
What will you get:
Tools and exercises to share NVC with others.​
Practice on how to walk your talk; finding ways to live in integrity, honesty and empathy as you share NVC, lead trainings and mediate.
An understanding of how groups mature and develpe. What we can do to support growth.
Tools to help people move from dependency, through independency to interdependence.
How to create your own exercises.
Honing your empathy skills. Discerning when it´s time for empathy and when its time for something else.
Become part of an international comunity.
Time with two NVC trainers who have led trainings on NVC for full time the last 20 years.
Knowledge on how to build and maintain trust.
Relating to money, working sustainably​
The training is partly based on the book by Liv Larsson Walk your talk (available in Swedish, German, English). We recommend you to read the book as part of your preparation for the training.
Training will be conducted in simple English, practice in smaller groups in other languages possible during training.
Theory and q&a in big group.
Skill training in rotating triads and small groups
Two track are offered, training and trainer tracks. Trainer tracks are extra sessions for people who train mediatiors
is Certified Trainer with CNVC since 2002. She has worked as a coach, mediator and workshop leader since 1992. Liv has written 20 books on the theme of NVC, for adults and children, translated to different languages.The titles include Anger Guilt and Shame - Reclaiming Power and Choice, A Helping Hand- Mediation with Nonviolent Communication and Cracking the NVC Code.
She lives in the north of Sweden and one of her contracts as a mediator is for Swedish FSC - Forest Stewardess Council - mediating between the indigenous group of Sweden - the Same - and the biggest forest companies in Sweden as well as mining companies.
Liv has been sharing her special way of teaching mediation skills to many different groups - from UN mediators to social workers and parents and has been leading mediation trainings in Australia, Europe and Asia. One of here special skills and areas of interest is how shame is affecting both the mediator and the parties in a mediation. Her passions are cross-country skiing, hiking, swimming, yoga, nature, her son, writing and connecting with people.
has been working with Nonviolent Communication since 1997. He has developed a specific pedagogical model to teach mediation with NVC as an approach. He is in charge of Friare Liv longer training programs. His is intrested in creating maps for navigating conflicts with more ease. He works internationally with conflict management and mediation, including in Japan, Thailand, Australia, India, Sri Lanka and Europe.
Who can register?
​​​We want you to have at least 10 days of NVC-training before this event. (preferably more)
A wish to share NVC principles and tools with others (preferably you have already done that in a small or big way)
We also want you to have read the book Walk your talk (in your prefered language) by Liv Larsson.
If you need to cancel your tickets:
The cancelation rule is that you can cancel without cost until 31 days before the event. After that you pay 100% and you can use the money for other trainings we offer within 12 months from the date of the original event date. You might need to pay for food and lodging if we can not cancel that without cost at the venue, due to cancelation close to the event date.​
The Location
The Walk Your Talk intensive is held at Tollare Folkschool, in Stockholm.
Public transport takes you to the school. Free parking for people who drive.​
There is a lot of nature to enjoy for exercise of for long walks and talks during the training.
Geting there:
By air: The main airport in Stockholm is Arlanda airport. which is about 1:15 h from Lillsved with car.​
Dates: 23-29 april 2021
Start 23 april, 14:00
Ends 29 april, 14:00